What sort of regular maintenance our heating and air conditioning systems need?

The main aspect is maintaining unrestricted duct flows. Most of the times dirt, dust and debris create huge problems for HVAC systems. The filters must be clean and coils must be free of all the restrictions. We highly recommend you to keep your systems checked twice a year.

Why should we change the filters regularly?

Changing filters on time improves air quality. Proper air flow is must to keep your home or office free from dust and germs. Depending on your system, you may require monthly replacements so it’s better to consult with a technician.

What should I check before calling for your services?

Please make sure the air conditioner or furnace is turned on. Also ensure the thermostat is set properly; you can also note all the strange noises that could arise out of your systems.

How should I know if the system is working properly or not?

If it is making unnecessary noises, if it fails to cool or heat all the areas, if it’s taking too long to heat or cool the areas, if your bills are rising without any reason, then there could be some problem in your system. If you have noticed these problems, we highly recommend you to call us today. The longer you wait, the worse the problems will get.

Is any system with more capacity better for us?

Well, no. A large heating system that has more capacity usually offers less comfort and it also costs more in order to operate well. An air conditioner is also at its least efficient when it is turned on first. The system having much capacity usually runs in several short cycles, turning on and off again and again, and thus becomes less efficient.

Is it really important to get the right size of equipment?

Yes, if you want high comfort and energy use, it is really important to choose a proper size of heating or cooling equipment. The products which are over-capacity products will not work properly plus variations of temperature or cycling could occur so it will not be energy efficient. Not only this, if the equipment is under-sized, during the time of temperature extremes, it could result in loss of comfort.

In a cycle, how long should my device run?

Honestly, there is not any exact answer to this question, however, basically on a 100° day the device must be able to keep up the incoming heat. The cooler it is below 100° the system will cycle more on and off. So it depends on the environmental conditions and also the conditions of the equipment.

Will running my air conditioning for too long consume much energy?

Honestly a unit that is off or on is less expensive than the unit that keeps cycling off/on frequently. Each time you start your device, it uses a lot of electricity and thus fails to produce much cooling. This is why a shorter system is usually more economical than the bigger one even it runs non-stop.